The various purposes of hedging and how to maintain them

Choose the most appropriate hedge trimmer for the type of hedge you are trying to maintain.

The various purposes of hedging and how to maintain them

Every hedge has its own purpose, and depending on what you’re tackling, you’ll need to consider your choice of trimmer. We’ve outlined some of the best cordless hedge trimmers for your hedging purposes. 

An overview of the EGO hedge trimmer range

EGO hedge trimmers run with less fumes, noise and vibration thanks to their revolutionary battery-powered technology. Depending on which battery hedge trimmer you pick, blade sizes range from 20cm (shrub shears) to 75cm. This means there is a versatile range to suit any hedge that needs trimming. 

Different hedges for different needs

From providing shelter from wind to supplying some security, hedges are planted in the garden for various reasons.


Hedges for security purposes will protect your garden from wildlife such as rabbits, hares and deer. They are usually formed from a variety of these plants:

  • Brambles - such as blackberry and wild raspberry bushes 
  • Holly 
  • More sturdy shrubs such as Hawthorn and Blackthorn 

Each of these examples are perfect for protecting your garden as they possess repelling characteristics such as thorns and prickly leaves. 

To maintain a bramble hedge, we suggest using a cordless hedge trimmer that is more suited to cutting smaller shrubs and bushes, such as the EGO CHT2001E 12V grass/shrub shear

Coming with both a shrub and grass shear attachment, this trimmer allows you to maintain your bramble bush as well as the grass beneath. Where you might not be able to reach with your cordless lawn mower, you can simply switch attachments and tidy the grass using this trimmer

To tackle more robust hedges made from Hawthorn, Blackthorn and Holly, a hedge trimmer with a longer blade that is more suited to thicker, woodier stems is appropriate here. 

Wind Break

Hedges planted as a windbreak to shelter your garden from a damaging breeze are often made up of Alder. This is a tree variety that grows quickly, is sturdy and has thick, wide leaves. Perfect for a windbreak.  

Other good tree varieties for a windbreak hedge are:

  • Scots Pine
  • Beach
  • Wild Cherry
  • Birch

Whichever variety your windbreak is made from, chances are it’s one of the above. To maintain and keep a hedge from any of these varieties in shape, you have several options:

  • The EGO HTX7500 75CM Professional-X Hedge Trimmer - with a 33mm blade gap, it is perfect for those wider hedges, and will tackle woody stems with ease
  • EGO’s HT2410E Hedge Trimmer - kitted out with laser cut, diamond ground blades that will whip off wild stems and branches and encourage healthy growth 
  • For narrower windbreak hedges, the HT5100E 51cm hedge trimmer is ideal, especially if you wish to shape your hedge and need full control to make intricate designs


A hedge that is planted for privacy is usually of an evergreen variety to ensure that prying eyes can’t gaze upon your business year-round. Varieties such as Cherry Laurel, Privet, Pyracantha and especially Yew are excellent selections. 

In fact, what is great about Yew, is that it can live for an average of 900 years, so you will get more than your money’s worth out of your battery hedge trimmer when you come to cut it. 


Hedges can act as a hub for biodiversity in the garden too. Oftentimes, these hedges double up as a boundary setter along a garden path or between beds. 

A hedge that is made up of a diverse range of plants that provide nectar, pollen and shelter will attract many beneficial insects such as butterflies, bees and ladybirds into your garden. 

Inevitably though, there will come a time when you will need to trim your hedge. Instead of using one of EGO’s grass trimmers, the CHT2001E 12V grass/shrub shear is perfect for the job. 

Ideal for daily garden maintenance, this compact hedge trimmer comes with a grass trimmer as well as a shrub trimmer attachment. Whether your hedge consists of wild flowers or rose bushes, or maybe a diverse mixture, you can tackle both without having to change tools. 

What if it’s winter? 

During the winter months, maintenance of your tools is essential, so you can kick off the growing season with a smooth and efficient start. 

We supply a wealth of information about how you can tend to your tools during the dormant season. Such information can be found in our downloadable user manuals for any of our tools on our website. For hedge trimmers specifically, read our blog on how to maintain them in preparation for spring.